Waiter, waiter, your thumb is in my soup!
Yes sir. Please use the tablet on your table. For your information, if you have troubleshooting questions about thumb, press 1, if you have troubleshooting questions about flies, press 2.
On the bus, octopus.
On the bus, pithecanthropus is sitting.
On the bus, pithecanthropus erectus can't stand erect.
On the bus, pithecanthropus erectus gets carsick easily.
On the bus, pithecanthropus erectus needs a barf bag.
The chicken didn't know how scary the other side of the road was.
Why did the chicken cross the road?
The chicken has already came home. He seems to have had a hard time of it on the other side of the road.
Why did the chicken cross the road?
On the other side of the road, everyone was saying, "Why did the chicken cross the road and come to this side? When will he go home?"
The chicken poor thing.
Why did the chicken cross the road?
Because there is no cat on the other side of the road. The chicken is allergic to cats, so he couldn't stop sneezing while he was living on this side.